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ThetaHealing® Basic DNA ONLINE Course (English)

Online, 31 MARCH - 02 APRIL 2021 Învățare experiențială Locuri disponibile


Învățare experiențială Locuri disponibile

415 USD

The ThetaHealing® course is a course for the modern man, who embraces and accepts his human and also spiritual nature. It is for those who understood they are more than their physical body and hyperactive mind, and who want to become the masters of their own life.

By ThetaHealing® we become the architects of our mental structure, we redo the matrix by which we build our life. We have access to aspects of our being that, until a few years ago, were available only to those that dedicated their life to spiritual evolution or were the “chosen” one.

We learn to see what is inside us: in the mind, in the soul, in the body (emotions/feelings), in our relations, in our past and future. Having clearer vision on what it is, we can chose if we like or not what we see and we can change the aspects which we want to be different. Simply. Fast. With Love. Without Fear. With Power.

The ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Course presents the ThetaHealing® technique and applications. You get to experience this technique both individually and work with/on the other participants. You experiment the benefits and options of working ‘in Theta brainwaves’ in such a way that you find it is easy to apply them later to every aspect of your life.

90% in a day our actions and decisions are on autopilot, determined by the knowledge and experiences of the past. The way in which we react to what happens is dictated by our subconscious, that part of the mind which stores the set of beliefs, convictions, attachments/feelings which we have acquired and suppressed over time. Some of them help us to live and to function in the society we are a part of, but each of us have also some which are less beneficial. In every domain in which we do not have what we want, we do not feel full of love and creativity, in which we lose energy instead of recharging, there is a set of “truths” which block us in seeing the reality as it is. There are truths which are genetically inherited or which we accepted without realizing it, and now they control the results in our life.

By the technique of muscle testing the participants discover which are these beliefs that undermine their inner power and learn to release and replace them with others, chosen consciously.

The essence in the Basic ThetaHealing® Course is practicing the techniques which allow you to change the life patterns kept in existence on a historical, genetic, basic, or soul level; be them self-created, or imposed from outside.

The student will learn to identify his own beliefs and will practice how to eliminate them also from a fellow colleague. This practice can reveal fast systems of beliefs which would necessitate years of traditional psychotherapy.

Other topics and exercises are about the discernment when we work with Guides and Guarding Angels, an introduction in the laws of manifestation, future reading , balancing the level hormones, freeing the heavy metals and radiations, soul mates , recovering soul fragments, clearing the space and objects, the 7 planes of existence , the protocol to heal a variety of conditions and illnesses working with the Creator. ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Course includes activating the 12 DNA sequences of each participant. The chromosomes of youth and vitality are activated, telomers are strengthened to reverse the aging process and the students experiment the opening towards Unconditioned Love of the Creator.

At the end of the course, the student is ready to become a ThetaHealing® practicioner as ThetaHealer®.

I am waiting for you with joy, love and the intention to live all extraordinary lives.

Andrea Filip

Master and Certificate of Science in ThetaHealing® by the Think Institute USA.

Course schedule (UTC/GMT +2 hours – Bucharest local time):

  • Wednesday – Online enrollment – 14:40-15:00; Day 1 – 15:00 to 20:00;
  • Thursday – Day 2 – 15:00-20:00;
  • Friday – Day 3 -15:00-20:00;

ThetaHealing® Basic course participants receive:

  • at the end of the course, an Official certificate registered and issued by ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge® USA;
  • with the consent of the participant, he will be registered on the official website, as a practitioner of the ThetaHealing® technique

Limited spots available. Only 20 spots are available.

Location: Online – you can participate from wherever you are;

Platform: ZOOM – very easy to install and use;

► The course will be taught in English by Andrea.

Minimum equipment: a computer / laptop / tablet / smartphone with a stable internet connection and preferably a pair of headphones;

Participation fee: 415 USD / person. Your spot will be reserved automatically only after confirming your payment. In order to keep the spirit of fairness, spots are allocated in the order of payments confirmation.

For additional information, please contact us by e-mail:

◉ To register for this course, fill in the dedicated form and you will receive an email with information on payment methods, schedule and other details related to participation.

Andrea Filip

Curs susținut de

Andrea Filip logo

Psiholog, Autor,

Instructor Sedona Method®,
Instructor, Master și Certificat of Science ThetaHealing®, prin THiNK® USA

Online, 31 MARCH - 02 APRIL 2021 Învățare experiențială Locuri disponibile