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Find Your Sparkle

Andrea Filip is Master and Certificat of Science ThetaHealing® Instructor

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

About Andrea Filip

Who and What am I? I am, like everyone else around me, a soul with a human experience.

And so, every day, I discover and experience what it means to be a Human Being. By this age, my conclusion on this subject is that … I still have a great deal to understand … about everything &read more Find out more about Andrea


A series of reflections and personal ideas meant to inspire you!

About Life Written by Andrea Filip


Integrity. Why integrity? Because it is one of the pylons that make things and life work smoothly. Integrity is the state of being whole: each part is in harmony with all the others, all “stand.” When read more
About Life Written by Andrea Filip

Gratitude and recognition

The first thing we should be grateful for is our life and the inner ability to love, enjoy, experience beauty in all its forms: images, lights, colours, sounds, smell, feeling, touch. We can express gratitread more
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