All information presented through this website should be used as a guide only.
The points of view formulated, as well as the suggestions and references offered are based on the personal experience acquired by the author and are intended exclusively for individual study and research.
None of the methods and techniques presented in the articles, programs, and courses presented through this website exclude and cannot replace a diagnosis or treatment prescribed by a physician. Follow your doctor’s advice and do not interrupt any medication prescribed by him.
The author does not provide medical advice, and the information in the materials presented should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.
The materials present through this website are intended exclusively for informational purposes, with the intention of helping you throughout the process of acquiring physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Alternative therapies and meditation are excellent additional tools that help us achieve emotional, mental balance, and general well-being. Alternative therapies (also called complementary therapies) can be practiced in parallel with any conventional medical treatment because these therapies help us in terms of their holistic approach to harmony and our emotional and psychosomatic well-being. The words “healer” as well as “therapy/healing” are used in accordance with these principles and are used in the broad and general sense of these terms and are not used in the same contexts in which they are used in conventional medical or psychological language or in the context of medical science.
The information and related materials presented through this website encourage the evolution of consciousness through personal experience and offer the possibility of accelerated personal and spiritual development.